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Painted Ladies:

Transcript: Season 1, Episode 3

[00:00:00] Penny: I'm Penny Dearmin and this is Blood Town.

The Celebration of Life for Marianne Shockley was held on May 17th, 2019 at Apalachee United Methodist Church. Friends sang the song from their teen years "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls, as relatives and friends spoke of Marianne's devotion to her children and her career as an entomologist. Here is a story shared by her cousin just before she released butterflies in Marianne's honor at the conclusion of the celebration.

Marianne's Cousin: Ever since my daughter was small, we have raised butterflies and Mary gave me the A-plus on that. I'm a preschool teacher now, and I do [00:01:00] this every year with my preschool class. When this tragedy struck us, my butterflies still had not hatched from their chrysalis.

Jim: Unbelievable

Marianne's Cousin: And on my six hour drive here, every one of them opened up. Every one, except one.

Jim: Stop. That’s chilling.

Marianne's Cousin: And Uncle John kept looking at it and looking at it, and this morning it opened up before we left.

Jim: Wow. Do you know exactly what kind of butterflies they are?

Marianne's Cousin: They are Painted Ladies. 

Jim: Painted Lady butterflies. And where did you drive from? 

Marianne's Cousin: I live in Mexico beach, Hurricane Michael zero ground area.

Jim: How is it down there? 

Marianne's Cousin: We're still tearing down stuff. 

Jim: I bet. I used to take my mom down there about once a year. She loved to go to Mexico Beach.

Marianne's Cousin: I love it down there too. I do, I do.

Jim:  So, they came up from Mexico beach.. 

Marianne's Cousin: I brought these from Mexico Beach. 

Jim: What a beautiful, beautiful thing. 

Marianne's Cousin: Isn’t it? And it just thrilled Sandra and Uncle John too.

Jim:  How many?

Marianne's Cousin: Six. I have and all six of them made it.

[00:02:00] And I left six of them with my preschool class.

Penny: Dr. Marianne Shockley was born on August 14th, 1975, and attended high school in Madison, Georgia. In 1997, 45 miles away in Milledgeville, she received her BS in biology from Georgia College and her Master's and PhD from the University of Georgia in Athens. At UGA, she began work as an entomology professor in 2010. 

Dr. Shockley's commitment to learning is perhaps seen in her parents as constant role models in higher education. They were both doctors and supported her life of learning. She was the third of four children, blessed with a brother and two sisters. Dr. Shockley was born and lived in the small rural community of Apalachee on the outskirts of Madison, Georgia, roughly 30 miles South of Athens, where she taught at the University of Georgia. 

[00:03:00] She traveled extensively to other countries, promoting the valuable contribution of insects as a sustainable food source for humanity. As an expert in the field of insect consumption as an excellent source of protein, she traveled to exotic locales, such as South America and Ecuador. She supervised and inspired both undergraduate and graduate students, and she was well known throughout the Athens area as the leader of Bug Camp each summer. Family, friends, and colleagues all describe Marianne as a passionate, free-spirited giving person. 

We didn't know Marianne, so we can only bring you recordings of her voice, and later of Clark's words, because they will never be heard from again. We bring you Marianne's own voice to convey the passion her family and friends shared about her [00:04:00] in hopes that her legacy of insects as a viable protein source lives on and finds a new audience. Marianne's bug camp was canceled this summer after her death, and we know that someone out there will be able to pick up her mantle and carry it forward to the next generation.

Dr. Marianne Shockley: Well, I've done kind of outreach education really my entire life, growing up with 4H and FFA, and then as a counselor at Rock Eagle; it's always been something I've been involved with, so as a student taking insects out for our outreach events, it was common for me to take insect foods with us. I was approached to come present at a conference in this space, just wanting to know what's going on and, and entomology around this question. And it kind of spearheaded from there.

At that conference, I met some of the leaders in this, in this field. There were representatives from the FAO. There was some of the most preliminary researchers in this field, and it really was kind of a springboard for what came.

Interviewer: The word is [00:05:00] 

Dr. Marianne Shockley: entomophagy.

Interviewer: En-to-moph-a-gy. 

Dr. Marianne Shockley: It was Eating Insects Athens, and it was the second one of these types of conferences. The first was in Detroit in 2016. We created our trade organization, NACIA that stands for the North American Coalition for Insect Agriculture. So, we focus as a coalition on insects for food, as well as insects for feed. So, you could use insects to feed your chickens or your cows or your fish.

It's becoming very popular in aquaculture. There were some gentlemen from Norway there who were very serious about incorporating black soldier flies into the salmon industry. So, the trickle effect and, and truly the global scale, even to the attendees at this conference was…it was very obvious.

We had people from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, France, Italy, Norway, the UK, Canada. Of course, here in the US, China, so there was a great representation and, you know, from a conservation perspective, that's another selling point is that we use the whole cricket, so there is zero waste. You will take the cricket, you harvest it, you would clean it and boil it, [00:06:00] rinse it, and then roast it whole. You can consume it whole, or then you can take that roasted product and mill it, grind it, mortar and pestle it into that powder or however you want to use it. I don't necessarily recommend wild foraging, unless you're with an entomologist or have a very good understanding of what's going on in nature and what the animal has consumed and been exposed to.

But, you know, harvesting, if you have your own mini farm in your apartment or your home or your lab, like we have here at Georgia. You know where your food source is coming from. 

So, this is chocolate chirp cookie. This is Cowboy Cricket Farms. Shout out to my dear friends there in Montana, a wonderful cookie.

So, if you're looking for a gentle introduction into the edible insect world, this is made with a cricket powder. So, it's your regular chocolate chip cookie with a little bit of extra protein and vitamins and minerals added. Delicious. So, you've got a great snack. A lot of times these are used as meal replacements because they are so nutrient dense.

So, if you're kind of [00:07:00] involved in that lifestyle or have a very active lifestyle, like a lot of us moms do, throwing one of these in your purse is just as easy as one, two, three. Insects to bake with. Great question. Yeah. So, there are several online resources. One that I would highly recommend would be entosense or entomarket, and they have just a wide array of edible insects.

It's basically an online grocery store. There are lots of different companies and they do individual sales from their website. If anyone is interested, many of these companies are listed on NACIA’s website. N A C I A. You can kind of see a list of all of our members, go directly to their websites, and purchase it and get those delivered.

The goal is to have these available in grocery stores nationwide. So, it's going to take a little more leverage, but we hope to make it more available. Most insects actually are consumed in their larval form. So, if I think about a butterfly, I'm more likely to consume the juicy caterpillar than I am the scaly, flying insect [laughs].

[00:08:00] Penny: She was a pioneer in her field as a founding member and director of the North American Coalition of Insect Agriculture, NACIA. She organized and led an international conference called Eating Insects Athens in August of 2018. She also sponsored a club on the UGA campus called UGA Bug Dogs. Marianne was a single mother to her two teenaged children. 

Students of Georgia College publish Beyond the Columns. It is designed to “educate Milledgeville residents about their community.” According to their online publication, they “go beyond the Capitol, beyond the college, and beyond the columns to bring information about culture, history and news to the public.” This particular article is attributed to its author, Sarah Lampkin, who interviewed Clark Heindel, [00:09:00] approximately four or five years ago. [Words are read by actors]

Sarah: It's a Wednesday night in Milledgeville, which means Dr. Clark Heindel is enjoying the daily special along with his usual $9 glass of red wine at Metropolis Café. At age 65, the long-term psychologist is dressed in a sharp looking suit and still rocks a stud earring in his left ear. 

Dr. Clark Heindel: In about the eighth grade, my parents sent me to this prep school up in Rhode Island. I guess they thought I was smart. You ever seen Dead Poet's Society? It was exactly like that. 

Sarah: Dr. Heindel is originally from Cornelia, Georgia although he explained that he spent most of his childhood up North. After graduating high school, he attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, 

Dr. Clark Heindel: Man, Nashville wasn't that cool back then. Didn't have any fucking music. It wasn't until later it really became the Nashville you know today. It was back during the Civil Rights was, is, you know, old country conservative.

[00:10:00] Yeah, I had really long hair; people called me a hippie. I guess I looked kind of like one, you know, but I wanted to get an education. So, I guess I was really just a wanna be. Funny story. The biggest marijuana bust in 1971, so my friend's dorm room, they arrested all of us. Three of us got off easy because it wasn't our room.

The other, he got off eventually. Thank God my parents didn't live nearby or they would have found out.

Sarah: Dr. Heindel chuckles, as he tries to remember all the details.

Dr. Clark Heindel: Moral of the story, get a good lawyer. 

Sarah: As a history major at Vanderbilt, Dr. Heindel said he didn't know at the time what exactly he wanted to do with his life.

Dr. Clark Heindel: I ended up failing a course my senior year. My mother said it was the lowest point in her life, which if it really was the lowest point, then she must have a pretty damn good life if you ask me. I was bartending, listening to way too much music, but you [00:11:00] know, it was the sixties. There was a draft. And if I didn't stay in college, I knew I would have been drafted.

I've been evaluating Vietnam veterans now for a few years and they're all fucked up. Studying them has been one of the most powerful things I've done in these years. I majored in history because history is fun. It's interesting. History is a good story, and now I'm the keeper of stories. 

Sarah: Dr. Heindel currently works at Psychology Today, but plans to retire in January, 2015, to open a yoga studio across from the CVS on South side.

Dr. Clark Heindel: Man, I believe in yoga more than I believe in Psychology. When you sit here and talk, it's only your frontal cortex that's really connected. It's the last part of the brain to develop, and it's our conductor. It's the most vulnerable part, and it's the first to go. But your lizard brain controls your breathing and those things.

Yoga really enhances it. Yoga enhances the communication between your mind and your body. [00:12:00] And that's the key. That's why I really recommend yoga to all my patients, especially the veterans.

Sarah: As he flips through pictures on his Android of Saturday's yoga session at the Greenway, the owner of Metropolis Café, Deepak Kumar approaches the table to tell Dr. Heindel how great the basil is that he brought last week. “Dr. Heindel always brings me things from his garden. He is a good man. He comes in every Wednesday and brings me whatever is fresh,” said Kumar. He insists on using the last bit of basil for Dr. Heindel’s stuffed mushroom and goes back to the kitchen to prepare it especially for him.

Dr. Heindel takes another sip of wine and snaps back into his story. 

Dr. Clark Heindel: No, when I first came to Milledgeville, there wasn't nothing here. It was just a community college and you wouldn't see but maybe a couple of students around on the weekends. It has really grown the last couple of years. And now I feel like I have an obligation to open up my studio here.

People think it's important, man. It's real humbling. 

Sarah: When his six-year-old son died of cancer, Dr. Heindel went down a [00:13:00] dark path. It was his first spiritual trip to Peru that brought him back and make him refocus life's priorities. 

Dr. Clark Heindel: Life was good. I had a house on the Lake, good family. I was a deacon of the church.

And then my son died, kicked my ass. My daughter said I left for Peru a shell, came back my old self. 

Sarah: Dr. Heindel said, when asked about how his trip impacted him. 

Dr. Clark Heindel: I have been back four times and I plan to go again in the summer. 

Sarah: He goes on to explain that he became yoga certified this past summer in the South of Spain, it was a two-week trip and he was the only male in the group.

Since he's been back, everything has sweetly fallen into place and Good Karma Center for Yoga and Healing Arts will surely make a great addition to the Milledgeville community. 

Dr. Clark Heindel: Desire. It's a one that the psyche needs to balance. People have a desire to be a part of something and then want to feel like they belong.

Maybe this yoga studio is what we need. How else do you slow down on such a crazy [00:14:00] world? 

Jim: Clark earned his doctorate in 1978 with a dissertation on Jim Morrison that currently is found in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. When successful, he was ecstatic. When not, he was personally burdened. He brought his tremendous skill sets to deal with his own great loss and other issues.

The loss of a friend on his watch was a burden too great to bear. 

Penny: Marcus Allen Millard was born in Wrightsville, Georgia on September 1st, 1977. Marcus and Marianne met while working at the Milledgeville Country Club in 1995. They were planning to travel to Ecuador together the Thursday following the Mother's Day murder.

Marcus worked as a car salesman in Albany, Georgia, which is approximately two and a half hours South of Blood Town, and apparently had quit his job the Friday before he and Marianne met in downtown Milledgeville for lunch and [00:15:00] drinks prior to stopping by Clark's house. Marcus was currently living in Milledgeville at the time of his arrest, where he lived off and on working as a car salesman across middle Georgia, including in Macon.

He has one child with his former wife. Marcus was originally arrested on a probation violation, which we later learned was due to drug distribution charges. He has yet to be indicted and officials report that the toxicology results are still pending. 

Next time on blood town: 

Jim: I understand that you knew Clark Heindel, and you mentioned something earlier about a suicide note and him protecting his reputation.

Milledgeville Resident: That is correct. And my reply to you, what did he have to protect? He'd already lost his license to practice. 

Jim: What about all these murders that happen around? 

Milledgeville Resident: Yeah, [00:16:00] we have our share that we're not any worse off. 

Ours are just spectacular. 

Jim:  Right.

Milledgeville Resident: They're just, they're spectacular. 

Jim: They’re just extra.

Penny: On episode four, we cover court documents that show why Clark had his license to practice psychology in the state of Georgia revoked, and our Georgia open records request for the 911 call. Thanks for listening; please rate and subscribe. You can follow us on Facebook and Insta @bloodtownpodcast and Twitter @bloodtownpod.

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